Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A day in the life of Gus...

What does Gus do all day you ask?  His life in photos...

It all begins with a nutritious breakfast.  The food should consumed both via the mouth and through smearing on the skin. 

Time for playgroup!  Who needs to get dressed when I look this good in my pjs?! 
It was gettin' real in the playgroup parking lot that day.  Isla tried to slip in beside Gus but he was having none it.  Don't get between the man and his car! 

Back at home, time for a happy pose at the kitchen table. 
Getting ready for his evening stroll through the neighborhood - sometimes he needs to go incognito so he doesn't get swarmed by admirers. 
Bath time...Whoops!  Forgot to take my clothes off. 
Relaxing with a nice read at the end of a long day...