Monday, March 11, 2013

Spring Fever

Sorry for the recent silence - we have suddenly been very busy of late for lots of reasons, not the least of which is that I started a new job!

I am working for a website called UrbanSitter and helping them launch in the DC area.  The site connects parents with babysitters through people they know by using Facebook.  I think it is super smart and easy to use.  Not to mention, I get to have something to do with my brain, I can work from home and its part-time.  A dream come true.

Not much other exciting news to report on the home front - we are ready for Spring to arrive in earnest. We have had a taste and really can't wait to get out of the house and enjoy some warm weather.  Which we won't get this weekend when Matt and I go to Chicago for a wedding without the kids.  Oh well.  We are looking forward to seeing Whitney & Ryan and Alice & Brian while we are there,  we only hope that Chi-town has enough green beer for all 6 of us.

And with that, I must go back to work. I'll entertain you with some pics from the last month...mwah!

Angry men...

A bitty bigfoot believer...

Learning to skip rocks...

And to ski! 

What a natural. 

Happy Gus...