The title of this post is taken from the world's most annoying toy - a child's size measuring tape that belts out a different grating sound (saw, anyone?) and/or phrase (see post title) at maximum volume every time the dear child pulls on the tape. The "busy" phrase sounds especially frantic, belted out by what seems to be a deranged elf on speed. Every time Matt and I hear it we feel like jumping off the roof. Anyway, it seems a fitting title for my frame of mind at the moment...
The past few months have flown by - I cannot believe that Thanksgiving is behind us and Christmas is so close. To say that we have been inundated with visitors over the past few months would be an understatement. Since late October we have seen 2 grandparents, 2 aunts, 2 uncles and 5 cousins in rapid succession, almost every weekend. Add to that friends who have been passing through town and it's been a veritable season-long reunion! It's been a very busy time for us but it has been so great to spend time with everyone. We often complain that our family members live in 6 different cities across the US so when we can get together we really appreciate it.
All is well with the wee ones. Hank continues to enjoy school. He has a done a number of different themed units in his classroom this Fall, including one about a farm, a doctor/health theme, and the current "Destination NYC" theme. This last one I find a bit odd, but whatever. It is basically about transportation but for some reason they threw New York in there. Hank loves it because he gets to play with trains and cars and buses all day. Yesterday, the kids went on a "field trip" which involved riding a city bus. Where did they go, you ask? Ahh, grasshopper, the journey was the destination. Yes, the field trip
was the ride on the bus. The ride on the bus
was the field trip. We find this hilarious - you know your kids are leading a sheltered life when riding on public transportation is a special event. And very well received according to the teachers. Hank was apparently wide-eyed with wonder to be riding on a big bus. At least I know an easy and inexpensive activity we can do when we are starting to go stir crazy in the house this winter! For lots of shots at Hank in action at school, please click here:
Frog Pics
Gus is growing like crazy - he seems huge to me now. Our 4 month appt. is next week so I'll have some stats to share then. He continues to be a very easy baby, although he is not consistently sleeping through the night so I still feel like the living dead about half the time. This is mainly due to our desperate clinging to the miracle blankets we use to swaddle him at night despite the fact that it is like swaddling a sumo wrestler in a pashmina. He busts out like the Hulk around 4am everyday and wakes himself up. He chatters a lot now and laughs at everything. And for a 4 month old he is super-ticklish. Watching him giggle while you tickle him is one of the best things ever.
We are in the run down to Christmas now, and it feels to me as though it is right around the corner because, well, it is. We leave the 18th for our Christmas vacation, taking advantage of Hank's luxuriously long Christmas break. So between now and then I plan to do all of the gift shopping and wrapping, house decorating, vacation packing and planning, and host our annual holiday party for approximately 80 guests. Oh, and we are going to New York next weekend for a quick visit with friends and a wedding. Never a dull moment!
Wish me luck as I try to steer this crazy train into a smooth arrival at Christmas without losing my mind!
Here are some pics of our latest activities to tide you over until my next post - hopefully before we leave on our trip. Hoping that you are all enjoying the holiday season - I know I am, busy-ness and all!
3 generations of Kelly men |
Uncle David gets technical carving the bird... |
Hank and Aunt Katie |
You have to be strong to lift a head this big! |
Dr. Hank Kelly |
It's literally been 70 degrees here this week - sawheet! |
Give Hank a mirror and he will entertain himself for hours. |
Hank watches the train under the tree... |
Gus turns 4 months old on the 6th! |
"Hank, lie next to Gus so I can take your picture" |
"Don't even think about dropping that block!" |
"Aww, that's so sweet!" |
"Err, don't lick him please" |
"Hank..." |
"Good choice buddy" |
"Hank!" |
And so a lifetime of sibling abuse begins. |
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