Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Bienvenue a "le blog"!  It is with great pleasure that I introduce La Famille Kelly - a petit blog that will hopefully make it easier for all of our far flung family and friends to see what we are up to.

I can't promise that I will update the page regularly, or often, but I will do my best.  Since Matt and I are not great at keeping our Facebook pages updated and our old standby the Hank O' The Day has become more like the Hank O' The Quarter, I figure I'll give this a shot!  And now that I'm on radical sabbatical (taking at least 6 months off of work to spend time with Hank and have another baby - you know, a relaxing vacation-like experience), I think now is as good a time as any.

Inspired by Chanel's family blog, this seems to be a great way to share our activities and pics of the family, while creating a record of our kid's milestones (which so far I have failed miserably at doing for Hank).  Feel free to check in every once in a while ( or subscribe if you don't want to miss a word!  I believe that all you have to do is submit your email in the space provided at the top of the page.

And so, I begin with an outdated-but-at-least-professional-photo of our little famille taken back when Hank was about 8 months old.  Hard to believe that he was ever that small or that we have another baby arriving in 2 months.  Pray for us...

Credit: Kaileen Galhouse

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