Saturday, June 23, 2012

Helicopter Face

As the mother of a young boy, I have become immersed in the wide world of vehicles.  Land, air, sea - it makes no difference.  Anything machine-like that moves is of interest to young Hank.

There are stand outs, of course.  Trains have been numero UNO around here for some time now.  Percy in particular is a favorite - Hank carries two Percys around with him at all times for good measure, which you can imagine makes it difficult for him to do much else.  We have tried giving him something to carry the Percys in (thanks to Nana for this idea - she tried to give him a tupperware container for them when she and Papa watched Hank in May), but alas, they must be in his own little hands or you can forget it.

Hank and The Percys

Helicopters are also popular.  Living 10 blocks from the White House means that we have A LOT of helicopters fly over our house.  Probably about 5 per day.  Every time we hear one coming there is much excitement and anticipation.  Will we get to see it?  Will it come back, like the police choppers that are on the hunt for an escaped criminal?  Will 3 fly over at once - a sure sign that POTUS is on the move?

Lately, when a helicopter buzzes the house, Hank does his helicopter face.  We are not sure where this came from or if he is trying to tell us he is actually terrified of helicopters, but we think its pretty funny.

Only a video can do this justice.  Enjoy.

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