Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Halloween 2015

Halloween is one of my fave holidays and I look forward to celebrating it every year as though I am still a 6 year old.  This year it was especially great because the boys are finally both old enough to get it and we are finally in a neighborhood where there a) other kids and b) lots of houses to hit up for candy.  In our old neighborhood there was nowhere to go trick and treating and the folks who came to our house for candy tended to be teenagers dressed up as....teenagers.

So we went all out with the decorations around the house this year.  The girls stayed home but donned their ladybug and spider costumes briefly for some photos. (Shout out to Nana and Papa for providing all of the kids costumes this year!)  The festivities began with a party at Matt's office that included trick or treating and a movie on Thursday.  Friday, both Hank and Gus had parties and parades at school.  On Saturday, we took the boys to a party at our friend's house up the street where there were lots of kids running wild. We went trick or treating as a group and the kids promptly sat down to eat/sort/trade their candy as soon as they got home.  The boys stayed up to 10pm they were having so much fun.  Can't wait for next year!

Ladybug Dylan and Spider girl June

Dylan humoring us (barely)at Dad's work Halloween party

Gus in his police costume - he's worn everyday since we got it.  

Commercial airline pilot Cpt. Kelly

Hank's class at their parade

Our spooky front stairs

Twin pumpkins

A bunny that ended up looking more like a cat

Our mustache pumpkin

The crew

Captain Hank and his flight crew

Gus and a perp

The candy trading floor

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